Do I actually like PR?

No. Not really.

But I can appreciate it.

Assuming that most people don't already know, I have never been the fondest person of Public Relations. A year ago, the thought of working in the field made me shudder and I found huge problems with the very foundations that I believed (notice the past tense here) the discipline stood on.

I would always assume that every thing was being spun by a spin doctor and that these companies were doing their best to keep me from the truth to make themselves look better, something I as an inspiring journalist had a very deep seated aversion to. (I'm a very suspicious person.)

But since taking Public Relations Techniques at Southern Adventist University, I have learned a lot and some of my viewpoints have changed.

Here are 5 things I actually like about PR.

1. Relationship building

I can really get behind this principle of Public Relations. I love the idea of a company, or any one for that matter, working to build better relationships between themselves and others. PR is all about finding better ways to communicate with those who are associated with your organization. And I am all for that.


2. My friend Michaela


You know, sometimes you just have to support your friends. ;P (I apologize for how creepy this winky face looks.) And Michaela, bless her heart, is a PR major. But in all truthfulness, I admire and appreciate her take on the field. She loves being creative and just making new friends. She was quite honestly built for this profession.  

Feel free to check her out sometimes: Twitter:@theMichaelaLew Instagram: michaela_aali LinkedIn:Michaela Lewin


3. One of my current jobs

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I currently (as of March 2018) work at the Marketing and University Relations department at Southern Adventist University. And I am so glad that I have found a great group of friends, full-timers/bosses and of course article assignments. One of my favorite things to do at MUR, other than use the Keurig to make my tea, is to write cool press releases or articles for either our school magazine, the local press or for other publications that we help supply content for. You can check some of these articles out on my writing page. (Also I am high-key addicted to their color scheme. See page 23)

4. Professor Natalia Lopez-Thismon


If any one is responsible for my new found, closer-to-trust-than-distrust relationship with PR it would be my Professor Natalia Lopez-Thismon. Aside from all of the loud, extroverted conversations, I really like taking Public Relations Techniques. Even if it is at 9:30 in the morning. It also doesn't hurt that she is currently the sponsor for the Southern Accent (my love and joy), our weekly newspaper here at Southern Adventist University.


5. Mutualism

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It's no secret that journalists and PR professionals work together all. the. time. News organizations benefit by getting story ideas, or even just straight up content from press releases and advisories. And companies/organizations get the word out about what they do and who they are. It's, for the most part, a win-win situation.


And I'm sure there are at least a few more. At least a few. Feel free to add to my list in the comments below.