Did I actually start college three years ago?

All the people who have asked if I’m a freshman in the last month probably don’t think so.

But you know, that’s okay because I’ll be forever young at this point.

And man don’t I feel young. I really can’t believe it’s been three years.

I’m finally (regrettably?) a senior in college.

A senior. Like an about-to-be-kicked-out-and-have-to-adult-in-less-than-a-year-from-now senior.

As I hide out in my apartment, avoiding main campus because today is move-in day for all the freshman taking their free SmartStart courses, I can’t help remembering what that day was like for me.

Me in my over-sized Southern t-shirt (the little sense of fashion I have now had yet to kick in), smiling way too hard in that poorly lit gym for my id photo.

Meeting the new university president and my mom telling him that I had already secured a job on the school paper.

Seeing my dorm room for the first time. (Probably misplacing my id card for the first time.)

But my most interesting memory of the day was probably the little welcome party they had on the lawn of the boys' dorm, Talge. (The same exact party I intend to crash for a snack in about six hours.)

I, in my antisocial shy manner of being a Tierra, stood off to the side by myself as groups of kids interacted around me.

I had at least two snow cones and maybe a slice of watermelon before abandoning the crowd, taking myself and the camera I had strung around my neck to go exploring.

And I have yet to come back to where I was. I’m still out here wandering around.

These last few years I’ve been exploring campus, exploring my field, exploring who I am and who I want to become and everything in between.

And I must say I’m obsessed with the process and anxious about the product of it all, but I know it’ll be fine.

Everything works out in the end.

[Even this blog that I haven’t touched since sophomore year. Expect more (but not too much, let’s be realistic here) from me in the next few weeks before school. And maybe even after then. Who knows? (I do. This will be abandoned shortly, so please enjoy it while it lasts.)]

Tierra Hayes