Do I actually have something to say?

Always my friends. Always.

But having something to say is just the beginning of getting your message out there.

In PR Techniques, one of the most interesting things that I have come across is that your medium is your message. Did you post that not-so-cute picture of you out late one night on your Facebook page? Or did that go to Snapchat? Did you DM your professor to ask about that homework assignment? Or did you send an email?

The method that you choose to send out your information is just as important as the information itself. It sets the tone.

So here is some advice for where to put what on social media, especially if you are working on your personal or corporate brand.


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1. Facebook

Want to update a bunch of people on your life at once? Got some big plans? Then Facebook might be the place for you. After getting that promotion, your mom (who you love dearly) will share your post and all of her friends will leave nice comments about you and how fast you've grown. Facebook is also a good platform if you are trying to reach an older audience.

2. LinkedIn

Wait what? LinkedIn? Don't I just have one of those because I needed one for class? Maybe that's why you started your LinkedIn, but let's be honest. You probably need a job. And if not now, you will in the future. LinkedIn is a good place to showcase different skills that make you fit for your field. Share relevant work-related content (like these blogs) and show that you have your feet wet in whatever it is you want to do in life.

3. Instagram

If what you like to do is very visually driven, Instagram is key. With a well-written caption, some hashtags and a nice photo, you are all set. Want to show off that new shirt you got from your favorite store or hype up you best friend? Do it. Instagram was made with you in mind.

4. Twitter

Are you funny? Are you relatable? Twitter keeps you concise, to the point, and can literally connect you to thousands of people. This medium tends to be a lot less formal, and it let's you show your chill side. But this doesn't mean you aren't still professional. If you post it, expect it to be read by any and everybody.


So when building a personal or corporate brand, remember that your medium is your message.

Tierra Hayes1 Comment